Thursday, March 20, 2008


A few of you have asked if I video taped the song that Lindsay wrote and sang at the wedding.
So, here she is singing it , ear infection and all. Sorry time I will take you more seriously when you say your ear hurts. Hope you are feeling better!


Sheila said...


Kari, RN said...

Wow! Lindsay, that was beautiful! Great job in both the writing and singing of that song! I always knew you were talented, but I'm especially impressed by this video!

Denise -I'm so glad you found my blog! I've been checking yours out every so often, but can't remember if I've commented before... It's fun to keep track of your family this way!

Funny you mentioned my carnival days -I had just been telling Eric all about it over the weekend! :) It was also fun to tell him about your terrific family!